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Unspoken Rules in the Office

Unspoken Rules in the Office

Office etiquette is a set of unwritten rules that guide behaviour in any workplace in order to uphold a company’s image and foster a work environment that promotes mutual respect for colleagues. Though these unwritten rules may vary depending on a company’s structure or culture, some sort of etiquette is always written in the fine print of any office.

Here are 6 unspoken rules that are usually constants in any office environment:

1. Be on time.

You’ve probably heard this one already but being on

time can be thought of as the ultimate form of respect in the office. While this may vary depending on your country, where some may operate on being slightly late to everything (as with most Caribbean islands…), we still suggest that when in doubt, it’s always better to be on time. Remember, time wasted can never be regained, so be respectful of your colleagues and by extension, your organisation’s time.

2. Dress appropriately

Dress codes have recently become more relaxed since some companies have flexible working arrangements, where employees still work from home sometimes. Despite this blended approach, which naturally lends itself to wearing more comfortable attire, it’s important to maintain a level of professionalism, so be mindful of what you wear!

If you are starting a new job and you’re unsure of the expected attire, manage expectations and ask the question, so that you adhere to company policies and avoid unnecessary attention or embarrassment.

3. Acknowledge your team

Recognizing others is proper etiquette in any setting, whether it’s a casual or professional work environment. When a colleague or client enters the room, saying hello with a simple greeting or shaking hands shows that their presence is acknowledged and considered.

4. Respect shared spaces

In an office environment, it is inevitable to share common areas, for example, the bathroom or kitchen area. The way you treat these areas reflect on you personally and professionally, so it’s important to clean up after yourself and stay organised.

5. Understand your work environment

It’s important to observe and understand your environment so you are aware of what is appropriate. You will eventually learn the policies and values at your company but it’s useful to actively observe and research about your company so you’ll know your way around. If your observations lead to uncertain conclusions, don’t hesitate to politely ask colleagues about existing norms.

6. Be mindful of how others work

Especially when working in an open office, knowing how everyone works can be beneficial and can show your respect and consideration for others. For instance, some may like working with blasting music whereas some may prefer silence. If you prefer listening to music, maybe using headphones (if permitted) will be the way to go.

These are some of the basics that you’d want to consider when it comes to unspoken rules in the office. Pay attention to these and you’ll be well on your way to fitting in with everyone else as part of the team.