Mario Kart is a Nintendo title that has been capturing the hearts of individuals of all ages since the 20th century. Since the announcement of a new instalment
into the franchise, fans of all ages have been eager and anticipated the release date for the mobile game. The decision to make the newest version of the racing to be mobile has opened doors of accessibility to individuals who do not own the newest Nintendo console and who are not willing to purchase on just to play a single game. But why play this version of Mario Kart when there are other versions one can choose from? Here are your three reasons why.

Brings back those childhood memories
Remember when the first instalment of Mario Kartcame out for SNES and you were excited to race against family members and friends to see who would be victorious? That’s the same feeling Mario Kart Tour invokes. The new mobile game available for free for both iOS and Android devices presents us with the same roster of our childhood favourite characters plus many more additions and variants, either for festivities such as Halloween or Christmas, or fun quirky costumes which represent the culture of the cities featured in the races. Mario, Luigi and the whole gang are back with a modern look, mobile-friendly driving mechanics and a truckload of childhood nostalgia.

Ready to play everywhere and anywhere
The Mario Kart title is no longer subjected to Nintendo consoles only. As the company has been making steady steps into the world of mobile apps, Mario Kart Tour is just one of the few applications they have produced. Other games like Super Mario Run and Fire Emblem Heroes have been introduced to the mobile landscape but there was not as much hype around the two unlike like Mario Kart Tour. The game is only a few megabytes so there’s no need to worry about it taking up too much space on your device. It is recommended, however, for your device to be running at minimum Kit Kat 4.4 for Androids and at minimum iOS 10 for iPhones. Once you have met these requirements, you are all set to compete against friends to see who gets the highest score on the leader board no matter where you are. All you need is a stable wifi connection and may the race begin!
Everyone can play it
No matter if you are young or old, Mario Kart Tour was designed with simple mechanics that you would find in any other mobile game, making it easy to learn and fun to play. You can choose from Gyro Handling (tilting your device to steer), the Auto Drifting option (you drift in the direction you swipe on the screen) or turn off drifting all together (swiping the screen would not make you drift). These options were made and tailored so that users can play the game however they feel most comfortable. You do not need to be a toddler, pre-teen, teen or adult to figure out how the game works. Everything is easy to understand and if it is not, a tutorial is provided when you first install the game. Mario Kart Tour was designed to be played by everyone no matter how old you are.
At current, multiplayer is not in the game yet, so you can’t play with your friends, however, that does not kill the competitiveness that comes with the ranking and leaderboard system in the game. You can add your friends using their ID generated in-game and see what their weekly ranking score is and try to best it. Go on and relive your childhood experiences. Mario Kart Tour is a game suited to invoke nostalgia in anyone of any age.