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The Sumptuous Health Benefits of Jackfruit!

The Sumptuous Health Benefits of Jackfruit!


Driving past Fond Estate in Micoud recently, my curiosity was peaked to the highest level as my eyes fell upon some gigantic, prickly looking fruits. I later learned that they are known as jackfruits. At first glance they seemed to be breadfruits or even breadnuts. The jackfruit is an exotic fruit whose mystery and intrigue constantly attract the attention of both locals and tourists daily.

jackfruit3The potassium content in jackfruit helps in lowering high blood pressure. Jackfruit is also known for its anti-ulcer properties and it helps cure digestion-related problems. It is also known to alleviate asthma.

The glossy leaves of the jackfruit, as well as its roots, are believed to be useful for curing fever, boils and skin diseases.

The ripe fruit is usually eaten fresh but it can be processed to create jam, jelly, and chutney. Consuming too much of the pulp may cause diarrhoea. The seeds are boiled or roasted and eaten as a snack.

jackfruit2Just the thought of using one of the world’s largest fruits to prepare a meal may seem daunting, but here’s a simple preparation guide to try out with your family; When preparing a jackfruit, you should wear gloves or oil your hands and the knife as the skin contains a sticky sap that can make the process quite messy. First, cut the fruit in half and then remove the core. Separate the bulbs and then remove the seeds. The bulbs are fleshy and sweet when ripe. When it is unripe (green), it is similar in texture to chicken, making jackfruit an excellent vegetarian substitute for meat!