Sugar Apple, also known as custard apple or sweetsop, is a native of the Americas and the West Indies. It plays an important role in many homes. The seeds are good for preventing head lice, and the leaves can help with fainting or dizziness. It can serve as an energy booster and is also a good source of vitamin C, which means it can play an important role in your diet. Let’s have a look.
It prevents asthma. People with asthma would do well to include sugar apple in their diet because of its vitamin B6 component which helps to prevent asthma attacks. It also helps reduce inflammation in the body, including around the bronchial tubes.
Good for diabetics. Sugar apple has an abundance of dietary fibre which helps to reduce the rate at which the body absorbs sugar, thereby reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Helps with digestion. In addition to its dietary fibre content, sugar apple is rich in copper and together they help to ease bowel movements and prevent constipation.
Increases ‘good’ cholesterol. The dietary fibre also plays a major part in reducing LDL (low-density lipoprotein) sometimes called “bad” cholesterol. The fruit also contains niacin which, along with the dietary fibre, helps to lower bad cholesterol and raise HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol.
Regulates blood pressure. Sugar apple is rich in potassium and magnesium which help to regulate your blood pressure. For persons suffering with high blood pressure, one sugar apple a day should keep it stable.
Improves skin texture, hair health and eyesight. This may be one of the more outstanding benefits of sugar apples. They are high in vitamin A and contain a wonderful antioxidant which is responsible for keeping your hair healthy, your skin young and your eyesight sharp. They also have important moisturising and anti-aging properties. The inside of the fruit can be used as a balm on the skin to treat boils and ulcers and the outside can be used to treat gum infections and tooth decay.
Helps you gain weight. Sugar apples are used by people who wish to gain weight. If you mix honey and sugar apple, and consume it regularly, this can help you to put on a few pounds and increase your intake of healthy calories.
Alleviates anaemia. Sugar apples are a good source of iron and when consumed regularly, it can help to treat anaemia.
Good for babies. The fruit contains folate which is good for pregnant women. Folate is one of the B-vitamins that help to prevent the development of neural tube defects. It also lowers the chances of a miscarriage.