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The Amazing Papaya Fruit and its Health Benefits

The Amazing Papaya Fruit and its Health Benefits


This beautiful tropical fruit has many benefits besides being nutritious with an amazing taste. Papaya also known in many parts of the world as pawpaw, is a rich source of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

Improves Digestion 

A digestive enzyme present in papayas helps break down the tough protein fibers and helps in the digestion process.

The fruit’s water and soluble fiber content also make the digestion process easier. This promotes proper bowel movements and helps prevent constipation.  Also, the high amount of foliate, beta-carotene, and vitamins C and E in pawpaw can reduce the risk of colon cancer.

img_pawpaw2Improves Complexion 

Use a ripe pawpaw as a face mask to help open clogged pores. This will help with acne and skin infections.  The fermented flesh of papaya can also help dissolve dead skin cells and give you fresh, glowing skin.  Aging can also be reduced.

Nourishes Hair

Regular use and eating of the fruit can be beneficial to your hair. Rich in minerals, enzymes and vitamins, papaya can boost hair growth and strength.  It can also increase hair volume by nourishing the hair shaft. Papaya can also control dandruff.

Protects Against Heart Disease 

Eating papaya regularly can prevent atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. Vitamins A and C are two nutrients that help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, which is one of the main causes of heart attacks and strokes. Papaya is a great source of fibre, which can be very helpful in lowering high cholesterol levels.