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Saint Lucia Youth Business Trust – How We Can Help Your Business

Saint Lucia Youth Business Trust – How We Can Help Your Business


The Saint Lucia Youth Business Trust (SLYBT) continues to move forward in creating opportunities for young entrepreneurs (18-35 years) to realise their dreams of business ownership. The programme has gained support from partnerships both in voluntary and business sector capacities which include: First Caribbean International Bank (FCIB) Foundation, Caribbean Development Bank, CGYBT, Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd (CIE), Accela Marketing, Bank of Nova Scotia, St. Lucia Distillers Ltd, Bay Gardens Hotel, OGM Communications Ltd, Bank of Saint Lucia (BOSL), Calabash TV, Landmark Events; all of these are strategic in representing the wide range of industries present in Saint Lucia.

SLYBT has corresponded with several prospects via the Trust’s website (, has a presence through its social network, Facebook, with an estimated weekly reach of 20 individuals through various outreach programmes.

For this year, 2013, SLYBT has continued to attract new prospects to its initiative, and has interacted with these individuals at various levels of the application process. Their concepts and ideas all vary in industry and capital requirements, reflecting the vast creative pool available within our society’s youth.  SLYBT applauds these prospects as they move closer to the creation of their business.

The Business Plan Training for young entrepreneurs, an SLYBT programme held in August, 2012, has been deemed a success, with 4 participants (over ¼ of total participants) having established their own business with the SLYBT. The plan for 2013 is to repeat the programme, providing   0pportunities for youth to understand and create their own business proposals and ultimately, their own businesses.

SLYBT would like to thank Dazzle Magazine for its co-operation and support and to commend the Magazine for its vision in creating a forum to reach young professionals, entrepreneurs and our local business community. We would also like to take this moment to appeal to the youth to, “pursue your dreams until you reach them”.