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King of the fruits – Mango!

King of the fruits – Mango!


It’s the season of the delicious and succulent mango. Get the most out of mango season before it ends. We’ve all waited in line for our ‘mango-in-sauce’ with or without pepper, a famous St Lucian delicacy.

Mango is rich in all vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, and C), minerals, proteins, carbohydrates (including sugar) and fibre. It restores elasticity to the skin and is great for providing moisture to dry skin. It helps relieve clogged pores and the rich vitamin C content helps treat pimples and acne. Although it’s safe to use mango pulp on the skin, it is not advisable to use the mango peel, as it contains Urushiol which is toxic and may cause allergic reactions in sensitive skin. There are so many merits that go along with not only ingesting this delightful fruit, but also applying it to various parts of the body.

Mango and Honey face mask

This is a very simple homemade mango face mask for glowing skin. Mash one mango and mix in one tablespoon of honey. Apply it to your face and neck and rinse it off with warm water after 30 minutes.

Mango-Coconut face mask
 Cut up one medium mango and mush it in a small bowl until it’s pulpy. Add one teaspoon of coconut oil and apply the mixture to your face. Leave it for 1-3 minutes and then wash it off using warm water. Your skin should feel refreshed and smooth.


Mango for your hair??

As weird as it sounds, mango is excellent for your hair as it promotes healthy hair growth. It improves elasticity of the strands and moisturizes dry or brittle hair. The commercial mango butter is quite costly and may be hard to find, so why not whip up your own mango hair concoction!

Mango Hair Moisturizer

Peel a ripe banana and cut it up into large chunks. Place the banana chunks in a blender or food processor. Wash and peel a ripe mango and remove the seed. Place the mango halves in the blender or food processor along with the banana. Puncture a vitamin E capsule and squeeze the oil and some olive oil (or any oil of your choice) onto the mango and banana. Blend it well. Shampoo your hair as usual and slather the mango hair moisturizer into your hair. Use a large-tooth comb to work the moisturizer evenly through to the ends of your hair. Cover your hair with plastic wrap or a shower cap and allow the mango moisturizer to remain in your hair for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse the moisturizer from your hair with warm water and shampoo it again (optional).

Mango has many other benefits such as improving eyesight as it contains vitamin A. It also contains fibre which reduces constipation and is rich in iron which is good for those suffering from anaemia.

Whether you’re making a creamy mango smoothy, a rejuvenating mango face mask or a moisturizing mango hair treatment, ensure that you make the most of this mango season and have fun along the way!