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Is Personal Training Right For You?

Is Personal Training Right For You?


The biggest problem today is the lack of self-motivation to go to the gym.  For some reason, out growing your blue jeans is not enough of a ‘butt buster’ to get off the couch and workout. Unfortunately, many people are forced to get into an exercise routine because the doctor just hit them with, “you’re 45, overweight, and have high cholesterol” – the three primary risk factors for heart disease.  Of course, others have chosen a career that doesn’t allow them enough time to workout.  In either case, a personal trainer is the best way to go!

Personal training has become very popular over the last 5-7 years. It certainly is the new hip way to work out!  Many people used to think it was only for the rich and famous – not anymore.  Thanks to fitness establishments like REPTS (Registered Exercise Professionals & Therapists), personal training is now much more affordable for the average person, almost as cheap as a regular gym membership.  Personal training packages start at EC$150 per month, but without the negative side effects of  Regular local gym membership, which include impersonal, intrusive, little attention and guidance, no programme, no diets, no standardised progress checks or results monitoring, and in most cases, little to no results.

The average half-hour session at REPTS ranges from EC$25.00 to EC$50.00. Of course, there are trainers out there that are less expensive, but remember, you get what you pay for.  So be sure you’re getting a qualified professional for a price that will fit your budget.  In any case, the questions you must ultimately answer are these: “Is pursuing a healthier lifestyle worth the money?” and “Can I forgo some of the other expenses for a better investment in my own health?”

Choosing A Personal Trainer 

Now, the first questions that you might want answered are, hat exactly is a personal trainer?” and “How do I know whether he or she is qualified?” A personal trainer is not simply one who can prepare a workout specifically for you to reach your health and fitness goals but one who is professionally acknowledged as having sufficient knowledge and understanding of the human body – how it works, nutritional information, how to apply it and of course, one who exercises.

Is Personal Training Right For You?  Fit Factor Workout You want to make sure the trainer has the ability to meet your needs – whatever these needs might be.  Never hesitate to emphasise an old injury or diseases such as diabetes or asthma, or hereditary factors that could hinder your workout.  Always ask the trainer for his or her training approach, where satisfying your needs are concerned.


What Are The Benefits Of A Personal Trainer?

  1.  Motivation – Consistency is the name of the game.  Personal training keeps you consistent and gives you the incentives to keep you going and dedicated to your fitness plan.
  2.  Form/Guidance – Many people injure themselves trying to work out on their own, especially given the advent of video based programmes like, ‘P90X’ and ‘Insanity’.  This can lead to discouragement and ultimately failure in your plan. A trainer will guide you through your exercises showing you proper techniques and teaching you how to incorporate them into your lifestyle.  After all, video based programmes are not interactive enough to offer the same utility value of an actual trainer.
  3.  Maximising Time With Results – A personal trainer will maximise time that might otherwise be wasted, wondering what to do next. Many people don’t get the results they want, so they quit.


What’s Involved In A Session? 

  • Assessment of goals
  • Body fat analysis (not every session)
  • Girth measurements (not every session)
  • Cardiovascular conditioning
  • Muscular conditioning with body weight, free weights and machines
  • Stretching for flexibility
  • Sport – specific training (if needed)
  • Pre/postnatal training (where necessary)
  • Post rehabilitation (only for specific type of clients)
  • Nutrition consultations, etc

If you are a person who has a hard time getting motivated to work out – you find it boring, you have reached a plateau or you feel you are spinning wheels on the bike but getting no results – you are a prime candidate for a personal trainer.  So, happy hunting!

Rodja has over 20 years experience in the field as a Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Consultant and now the owner of REPTS (Registered Exercise Professionals & Therapists) Personal Wellness Studio. Rodja is also the producer and host of FIT4LIFE, the new television fitness programme on DBS (5:45am and 6:00pm Monday – Friday). For all your fitness questions contact Rodja at or call 722-3763. In the mean time, here’s this issue’s Fit Factor Workout.