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How to Stay Professional and Avoid the Drama at Work

How to Stay Professional and Avoid the Drama at Work


Our level of professionalism can be apparent in many of the things we do from day to day, even the way we dress. However, one’s conduct in the work environment is one of the truest reflections of their professionalism. We often find ourselves saying things or conducting ourselves in a manner which we believe is appropriate for the workplace. In order to create a good impression and gain respect on the job it is important to have a clear idea of what is deemed to be professional conduct.

First, you should try to keep your personal issues away from the workplace. Your co-workers do not need to know your personal issues which have nothing to do with the work at hand. Sharing your personal problems with workmates can even be used against you for all the wrong reasons. In addition, if you are too moody, this can affect your productivity and it’s a sign of poor work ethic. No one wants to be around a moody person who gives off negative energy. This sends the wrong signals and, invariably, your co-workers will begin to distance themselves from you.

img_staypro2Another characteristic that is a sign of one’s professionalism is when an individual makes a conscious effort to help their co-workers. If you are a very efficient worker with spare time on your hands, lend a helping hand to those who need it. This also goes hand-in-hand with managing your time wisely. Arrange your goals and tasks into time frames and strive to achieve them during working hours. This will enhance your performance and it sets a good example for others. Your workmates and manager may also view it as a sign that you are a team player and even a potential team leader.

Showing up at work on time and maintaining a good attendance record is also conduct which can be considered professional. If you cannot get to work on time, do not be afraid to call your manager or supervisor and explain your situation. Whatsapping or BBMessaging is not the way to go. Also, try your best to remain on the company compound during working hours unless your job requires that you be away from the office or out in the field. If you are certain that you will be late from lunch, inform your manager or supervisor, or someone else in authority. Good communication is essential for an effective flow of information in the workplace. Managers will scrutinise all of this, in addition to your mode of dress and tidiness.

When communicating, try your best to be respectful to superiors and co-workers. Foul language is not appropriate, no matter how close you may be to a co-worker. Try to be as proper and articulate as you can in your speech. This is a sign of confidence. Greet persons when you encounter them and keep your composure even in distressing times.

Sometimes things may not go your way. However, following company policy at all times will ensure that mishaps do not occur, although circumstances are sometimes unpredictable. Be fair, honest and sincere in everything you do and say. Avoid company gossip.

Last but not least, learn to take criticism. Do not view it as a sign of someone disliking you, but rather as a stepping stone to further self-improvement and achieving success in the organisation. Let it motivate you to become a true professional.

Here are a few more things you should consider:

  • Avoid making personal calls on the company’s phone. Ask a supervisor if it’s an emergency.
  • Try not to show up to work intoxicated or yawning.
  • Stay off social media at work.
  • Be ready and willing to work, as well as reliable.

If one takes all these factors into consideration with regards to their career, they will surely succeed in achieving an exemplary level of good conduct and this will aid them to become a true professional in the workplace.