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How to Score on Your First Date!

How to Score on Your First Date!


So you’re going on a first date – now what? Been a little while and you accepted the invite but it just hit you like a ton of bricks, and you are now a little apprehensive. How’s this done again? What do I wear? How do I act? What do I say?

Breathe. Relax and take it step by step.

Get Groomed. Yes! Ladies love stubble but gents, do keep it subtle. If you do have a serious beard or moustache, keep it neatly trimmed. Keep the nails short and clean and don’t forget to use cologne. Just do not overkill!

Ladies, be sure to get your brows done as well as a mani-pedi, as this will complete your look and set you on the way to a great first impression. Natural-look makeup is recommended. Don’t go full club-mode on the first date. He wants to get to know you, and you appearing to be au naturel will help him do just that.

Dress the part. Guys don’t go black tie for Happy Hour drinks on the strip – or ladies, sky high stilettos to a picnic at Pigeon Island. Dress smart for the occasion and try to dress at the same level that you believe your date may be wearing. Even if you really want to woo your date, do not pull out all your tricks on the first night. Let the first date be a tease so that they will want a second, third and fourth (and so on).  Most importantly, ensure the garments you choose are clean. Do not try to mask a stain or odour. Just don’t wear it!

Flaunt your best assets. You know what they are so highlight them in a tasteful manner. And if you are not sure, ask a friend to help you. Your colour selection is equally as important. Choose colours that complement your complexion, your eyes and hair colour. Colour selection can send a subliminal message to your date as well as set the mood for the evening.

Don’t try to over-impress. Don’t try to be exceedingly humorous or intellectual by rehearsing jokes or stats on recent trends or current affairs. Your date wants to meet the real you, not a version of, so do not try to be what you are not. Be as quirky, intelligent, funny, intriguing or as clumsy (well maybe not AS clumsy) as you are normally. Once the ice is broken, hopefully the awkwardness will fade and you both will feel comfortable till the end of the date. Until the next!