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How to Remain Positive around Negative People

How to Remain Positive around Negative People


I am tempted daily to walk around with a lapel pin that says ‘Positive stories only, I’m building an Empire!’ When I was pregnant I wore one that said    ‘Positive stories only, my baby is listening.’ It was interesting to note that many people would attempt to share their horror stories despite my drawing the pin to their attention.

Why are people so prone to broadcast their negative opinions, as if they were platinum nuggets to be cherished? It’s because we don’t tell them that we prefer positive news. We haven’t been taught to celebrate the good fortunes of others and be happy for them. How many times have you tried sharing good news with someone, only to have them say something like, “Some people are just so lucky, I wish some of your luck would rub off on me.”

If your words aren’t helping to ameliorate a particular situation, let them remain thoughts in your head. Make it your aim to ensure that when someone leaves your presence, the thoughts you have shared with them will help to create positive changes in their lives.

img_thinkPositive2I believe that if you are undertaking any project, whether it be heading off on a backpacking trip around the world, having a baby or starting a business, you will benefit enormously from listening to the encouraging stories of those who have done it. I am reaping the benefits of that daily.

Positive stories give birth to more positive ideas, which leads to more positive outcomes, and that’s what we all want. I recently spoke with the winner of one of the local awards handed out to entrepreneurs annually and I was not surprised by his words. In fact, they fuelled the fire of optimism which was already blazing in my heart. In sharing his experience, he encouraged me to persevere.

I encourage you to try this the next time someone comes to you, eager to share what I call NegaNews; ask if he knows anyone who has had a positive experience in respect of the same topic being discussed. The initial reaction to your question may be a blank stare … aah, golden silence! He will begin to search his memory bank for a positive story that he might have heard of. Alternatively, you can simply walk away from the NegaNews presenter. That’s right, just walk away.

Keep a piece of paper in your pocket and a pen (yes some of us still enjoy the old-school method of  taking notes) or type into your phone all the great news that you receive daily and see how great it makes you feel!