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Growing Your Online Business Through Social Media Branding: The most important factors to consider

Growing Your Online Business Through Social Media Branding: The most important factors to consider

In recent times, many businesses have been forced into adapting their traditional business model to online exclusive operations. Those that have failed to do so have unfortunately had to cease all operations. Now more than ever it’s important to know how shifting to what’s current is important for a successful business. Here are a few pointers to hold on to.

Settle on a Vision

Knowing what you want and actually producing it is often where the disconnect emerges. That disconnect then leads to your audience not getting the precise message you want to send out… and ultimately causing your efforts to be ineffective. Starting off your social media page can be intimidating. However, seeing other creators/businesses that have honed their social media skills over a period of time shouldn’t discourage you from following a similar path. One of the reasons that you may be inspired by the work of others is because they have settled on their vision. Very rarely do they venture outside of the parameters that they’ve set for their brand. You may think, “That will get boring because of those limits” but this is where the age old hotword comes in “creativity”. Use the limits that you’ve set as a means of exploring every avenue for content creation. This is one of many things to keep in mind when growing your digital business.

A Personal Touch

By now we all would have heard it, “Keep your personal page and your business page separate.” While we wholeheartedly agree that selfies with the family shouldn’t be all over your business profile, there are other ways to add a personal touch to your business. One of which is considering a face to the brand; a brand ambassador (or influencer in today’s terms). This person doesn’t have to be a hired professional, but opting for that may bring something special to the table in terms of what they can add to the brand.

Taking this point to the next level would be to include familiar faces engaging with your brand’s product or service. The variety of faces goes a long way in sustaining your audience’s attention.

Capitalise on Trends

Much like keeping up with the times and shifting your method of operations, keeping up with trends is just as important. Memes, fads and the latest hit thing are all included in potential trends to hop onto. You may not associate your brand with memes and jokes, but embracing a lighthearted side to your brand’s identity is key. It’ll also work in adding to that personal touch we mentioned earlier. This method is one that must always be up-to-date. Rehashing old memes from years ago will scream “We’re behind the times” to your audience, and that’s not ideal. Finally on this point; be selective. Not every trend may be worth joining in on for your brand, choose wisely and confidently… your audience’s response (or lack thereof) should tell you whether or not it was a good move.

Let’s recap. First, know your vision for your brand and be wise about how you express that in your online content; take inspiration from others. Second, don’t feel shy about making your brand personal and approachable to your audience. Finally, keep up with what’s current and new, it’ll go a long way in keeping your audience tuned in to what else you’re doing.

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