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Gotta Get Some Guavas!

Gotta Get Some Guavas!

Guavas, also known as “sand plums”, are said to have originated from Central America. Although they are more commonly known as a key ingredient in jams and jellies, guavas have a plethora of health benefits, many unbeknownst to the average consumer. Here are just a few benefits if you include guava in your regular diet.


Immunity Booster

This delectable fruit is a rich source of Vitamin C, even more so than oranges. Being that Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, regular consumption of guavas leads to a robust immune system and allows the body to recover from illness quicker. Get sick often? Well, adding guavas to your diet can be the solution.



Diabetes is a huge health issue in St. Lucia, with the country having one of the highest rates per capita of diabetes in the world. Guavas serve as a sweet solution to managing our glucose levels. The high amount of dietary fibre in guavas aids in regulating sugar levels and prevent spikes in diabetic patients.


Manages Blood Pressure

Apart from diabetes, guavas also help with blood pressure management. The dietary fibre cleans out arteries and blood vessels. This reduces the likelihood of high blood pressure as it helps regulate adequate blood flow throughout the body.


Easy on the Eyes

Guavas contain significant amounts of Vitamin A. This helps reduce vision degradation as well as prevent eye diseases such as cataracts. Guavas may not be as Vitamin A rich as carrots but they still provide enough that you should consider having them as a regular snack.


Weight Loss

Healthy snacking between meals is critical for active weight loss. The ideal snack gives you a quick boost of energy while providing adequate nutrients. Therefore a vitamin-rich fruit like guava is the perfect snack and since it contains fibre, eating one can keep your stomach full long enough until your next meal.

So why not grab a guava today?