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Go Green with 123 Digital Limited

Go Green with 123 Digital Limited


123 Digital Limited is a Caribbean leader in web technologies, e-marketing and publishing. We pride ourselves on integrity and delivering first world quality services at third world prices. We are passionate and believe in being good corporate citizenship. One such passion is our love for the environment and pursuing green business practices. This has led 123 Digital to launch the #GoGreenStLucia campaign. The aim of this campaign is to educate St. Lucians and the Caribbean as to the importance of creating a sustainable business environment, which is eco and nature friendly.

Companies no matter their size can implement simple green business practices that can assist them in reducing their Carbon footprint. Some of these measures include but are not limited to:

  • Set ting up an intranet that employees can use to access internal documents such as policies and procedures, phone lists etc.
  • Relying on email for billing, invoices, communication with clients, regular reporting and more.
  • Offering a direct deposit option to employees for payroll.
  • Switching to e-marketing including using your website as a sales tool, utilizing email 
newsletters, and using online advertising.
  • Using the Microsoft Word “track changes” program for editing documents.
  • Offering employees personal size dry erase boards for note taking.
  • Encourage telecommuting, use of public transportation and carpooling
  • Encourage a virtual office with new workflow tools to allow employees to work from home
  • Turn off lights when not in use, especially in bathrooms, kitchens and lower use areas
  • Switching all light bulbs to compact fluorescents
  • Compost when possible
  • Reuse and recycle paper, toner and ink cartridges
  • Invest in energy saving computers
  • Service air-condition units consistently
  • Reduce on water usage by checking regularly for leaks and invest in low flow toilets

123 Digital Limited is a proud member of the Green Business Association and was awarded certification from the Carbon Fund, for helping to reduce CO2 emissions by 2.68 tons as a result of our green business best practices.