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Get Rid of Ingrown Hair the Natural Way

Get Rid of Ingrown Hair the Natural Way


by Alana M.I. Morgan

Oh, how ingrown hair is so absolutely awful!  

Who doesn’t want silky smooth skin?  However, this could prove to be quite a challenge if you have to contend with ingrown hair.

Ingrown hair is hair that curls back under your skin instead of growing out from it. Sometimes your pores (or hair follicles) can become clogged by dead skin cells. This causes the hair inside them to grow sideways and under the skin instead of up and outward. Shaving can also cause ingrown hair. In this case the condition is more commonly known as razor bumps.

Try out this cool natural lotion to help eliminate them. It smells good and does the trick!

  1.  1 cup sugar
  2. ½ tbs extra virgin olive or jojoba oil (more if using on face)
  3. 10 drops tea tree oil
  4. 5 drops thyme essential oil
  5. 5 drops lavender essential oil

Add all the ingredients together and mix well.  Use it every day for one week for the best results and one ounce every week thereafter to prevent the emergence of new ones. Enjoy your smooth new look!