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Eyelash Extensions – How to Make Them Look Great!

Eyelash Extensions – How to Make Them Look Great!


If the eyes are truly the windows to the soul, it isn’t surprising that people usually make so much fuss about the ‘window dressing’ – Eyelashes!

Eyelash enhancement is the fastest growing sector of the beauty industry. Even during the recent US recession, this segment was the only one that registered growth. Take a closer look at celebrities Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez and Naomi Campbell – they have been wearing extensions since the early 2000’s.

Eyelash extensions are still new to Saint Lucia, and unfortunately they are often confused with “tabbing.” Tabbing is a way to cheaply add false eyelashes in little chunks, or ‘tabs’ that contain 2-4 eyelashes per tab. These are usually applied using hair glue in nail-and-hair salons. In most cases they cause extreme discomfort during and after the application. The end result is that it often damages your natural lashes, leaving gaps on your lashline for as long as three months.

img_eyelashWe asked Saint Lucia’s first certified Novalash Eyelash Extensionist, Andra Allen-Joseph to explain exactly, what eyelash extensions are.

She explained: “Eyelash extensions are applied by certified extensionists using medical grade adhesive. One single lash is applied to each one of your own natural lashes, resulting in the appearance of beautiful, fuller, longer, darker eyelashes, which reduce the need for makeup, brighten your eyes and add instant glamour. While eyelash extensions do cost more than eyelash tabs, they cause no damage to your natural eyelas, there is no discomfort and most importantly, they last 3 to 4 weeks!”

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