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Dazzle Magazine Issue 9

Dazzle Magazine Issue 9

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A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of conversing with a few young and inspiring individuals at the Ministry of Youth Development and Sports National Youth Award ceremony. They were all enthusiastic and energetic, and clearly very dedicated and willing to assist others in their community.

It was a joy to learn about their achievements over the past year and to know that their voluntary work did not go unrecognised. The award winners definitely deserved their accolades on the Big Night. It was quite inspiring to see the youth come together, all of them united in their determination to excel and uplift their communities through the various projects they have been championing, despite the many obstacles they’ve encountered.

They were not motivated by the promise of monetary gain but by sheer passion and their commitment to service. It has been said that passion is pure energy. It energises everything and everyone around you and it transfers into whatever you’re doing, leading to positive results. Just imagine what can be achieved when a group of people come together with a common passion and a common purpose, putting all their efforts into accomplishing a common goal. We could move mountains!

In this issue, Dazzle Magazine continues to feature young, talented Saint Lucians who are very passionate about what they do. We’re spotlighting Tennail Thomas-Wolff who aspired to be a dancer from the age of five and is now the proud owner of Motion Studios; Saint Lucia R & B star, Michael Robinson who started his musical journey as a backup singer in church; Sean Compton whose work is inspired by the firm belief that architecture must be true to the environment and should embrace energy-saving techniques in design and technology – and lastly, Teige La Board who is living her dream and, as a professional, keeps on reaching for higher heights with her own event planning and design company, Azuk Creative Services.

With that said, I wish everyone happy read and I encourage you to check us out on Facebook and like our Facebook page