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Dazzle Magazine Issue 28

Dazzle Magazine Issue 28

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Everyone wants to be successful. No one ever goes into a business venture to fail. Starting a business can be exciting. However, one must not lose focus on the amount of work that needs to be done in order to survive this competitive business landscape.

Many believe that on implementing their business idea customers will automatically flock to their businesses, but this may not be the case. Others may see an entrepreneur running what they deem to be a successful business and try to replicate this business model because to them it looks easy. That too will not equate to instant success.

In today’s world, businesses need to constantly reinvent themselves to keep up with the latest trends. They need to develop a sound strategy when entering the market and work at differentiating themselves from the competition in order to maintain a competitive advantage.

Dazzle Magazine prides itself on featuring young and innovative entrepreneurs who have a vision to what they wish to achieve, and focus on creating a legacy for themselves and their country. These passionate individuals have mastered their craft and prove they are capable of turning their dreams into thriving, reputable businesses. We are extremely proud of the personalities we’ve featured over the past six years, who have all been a tremendous source of inspiration to many.

Hope you enjoy Issue 28. Once again, we put the spotlight on young Saint Lucian entrepreneurs doing amazing things, along with other exciting and informative features.

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