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Dazzle Magazine Issue 21

Dazzle Magazine Issue 21

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Thank you for picking up another amazing issue of Dazzle Magazine. We are always elated to feature young and aspiring entrepreneurs who contribute to the development of Saint Lucia’s economy.

Being an entrepreneur definitely has its challenges. The main objective for anyone in business is to make a profit. However, in order to do so entrepreneurs need to focus on business development, networking, maintaining business relationships and they must also have the ability to manage cash flow. This balancing act can be difficult but with persistence and perseverance, it is achievable.

In this issue we feature five amazing entrepreneurs who are determined to master their craft and succeed. They have been able to develop their business despite having limited resources, and they have now been able to expand their services, both locally and regionally. The up-and-coming businesses in FreshBiz will also interest you as they too are determined to succeed and are not afraid to take risks.

I hope Issue 21 captivates you and I wish you a pleasant read.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and subscribe to our Youtube channel where you can watch all the episodes of Dazzle Hangout. @DazzletheMag.