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Dazzle Magazine Issue 13

Dazzle Magazine Issue 13

By Rankin Morgan

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It is often said that there is no ‘i’ in team or ‘teamwork makes the dream work,’ which implies that no single individual can claim total credit or responsibility for a team’s success. ‘Team’ in this context does not only relate to sports but also to the people who make up a company, business or organization. Their collective contributions are extremely important in a company’s daily operations and their rate of productivity determines whether or not a company is successful.

On the other hand, I like the phrase ‘You are only as strong as the weakest member on your team’ – meaning that despite all the great plans and ideas you may have for your business, if your team members are not focused and cannot execute their tasks efficiently, then this can negatively impact your business and prevent it from succeeding.

With that said, Dazzle Magazine is very fortunate to have a team that is focused and dedicated to its success and I would like to give thanks to all the Dazzle Magazine’s contributors, and very special thanks to Alana Morgan, Aldrin Henry, Tony Williams, Mindy Luquiana Chicot, David Duboulay, Dahna Jn Charles, Reginald Andrew and Gareth Jules for their hard work and dedication over the past three years. Without you, Dazzle Magazine would not be possible.

As we have done in all our other issues, Dazzle continues to put the spotlight on many of Saint Lucia’s young and aspiring entrepreneurs and professionals, and expose their talents and achievements to the world. Our hope is that others can learn from their experiences so that they too can believe in their dreams and be inspired to reach for the stars.

If you want to be successful, it’s vital that you study other successful people. That’s why we have focused on providing content that is both entertaining and inspirational. It’s also why we will continue to feature individuals who have proven that success comes down to attitude, effort and focus. I hope Issue 13 satisfies your reading appetite once again.

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