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Change Your Environment before it Destroys You

Change Your Environment before it Destroys You

Your physical space is a reflection of your mental state. In order to be efficient, your environment must facilitate your vision.

The most important space to begin with is your head. This is where your dreams are born and if you are not careful, where they may perish.

It is said that the very brain which designs and builds bridges over chasms also has the ability to cripple a man. Clear out your mind. Get rid of self-defeating, limiting thoughts.

Forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. Nourish your mind with positive thoughts of advancement, good books, videos and podcasts, and other inspiring content daily.

Some praise the effects of positive affirmations and vision boards. Expect the best and know that whatever challenges (life-giving opportunities) that may arise, you are capable of working through them.

While you need not subscribe to the minimalist lifestyle, it is important that you keep your physical  space organized and clean. Marie Kondo’s book “The Unlimited-magic of Tidying Up” provides amazing insights into the positive psychological effects of cleaning up. She believes that the things we choose to keep around us should stimulate feelings of happiness. Ensure that tidying up your surroundings regularly is a priority.


Surround yourself with people who allow you to advance towards your full potential. Raise your standards and collect ‘rocket booster’ friends, as renowned life-coach and bestselling author, Lisa Nichols calls them. This refers to those who will help to raise your spirits when you are feeling down.


Dr. Eric Thomas, one of the top motivational speakers in the world states that “environment should provide exposure to the best… and should cause you to raise your level of expectations.”


How will you enhance your environment to prepare you for greatness? Whatever you choose, start NOW