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We know that fruits, particularly berries are those of exotic colourand memorablyfondtastes.Sowhyshould you grab a bunch of berries next time you go shopping?

Strawberries: Good for your eyes

Free radicals can cause heavy damage to theeyes including dry eyes, degeneration of the optic nerves, vision defects, and increased susceptibility toinfections.Thankfully,antioxidantslikeflavonoids andellagicacidallcomefromStrawberriesandplayahugepartinavoidingthesesituationstoalargeextent.

Blueberries: Strengthens your bones

They’re rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K. Each of these is a component of bone. Adequate intake blue berries contribute to building and maintaining bone structure and strength. Its iron and zinc content also maintains the strength and elasticity of bones and joints.

Raspberries:Helps with weight loss

Knowntobehighindietaryfiberandmanganese.Fiber aids in slowing down thedigestiveprocess,makingyoufeelfullerforlonger.Thetracemineral manganese keeps your metabolic rate high, and therefore burns fat. Plus they work like magic for wrinklesboththroughintakeandasfacialmasks.

Cranberries: Protects against cancer

Researchers continue to identify more and more ways that cranberries are beneficial in slowing tumor growth, and have shown positive effects against certain types of cancer, including prostate, lung, breast, and colon cancer.