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Dazzle Magazine Issue 19

Dazzle Magazine Issue 19

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During the past month I attended a few ‘Global Entrepreneurship Week’ events and I was elated to witness young entrepreneurs coming out in numbers to network. These new businessmen and women were eager to share their experiences with each other and gain knowledge from well-established entrepreneurs and other experienced individuals in their respective fields. They confidently expressed themselves and were not afraid to speak their minds and share their ideas or offer suggestions.

These young business people and startup creators know what it takes to become successful and they understand that success does not come overnight. One individual said she is currently embarking on her third business venture and that she had learnt so much from her past failures, she can guarantee that they will not be repeated. This time around her business has become stronger than ever and for her it feels like her brand has been rejuvenated.

I was then asked what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. My answer? Success is relative to the entrepreneur as they all have different milestones and goals they’d like to accomplish. What one individual deems to be successful may differ from another person’s understanding of what constitutes success. Often, what sets them apart is the level of passion, leadership and innovation that an entrepreneur infuses into a business to ensure its survival.

In this issue of Dazzle Magazine we have four successful entrepreneurs and professionals who refused to allow anyone or anything to deter them from achieving their goals. Their passion got the better of them and they have managed to succeed for over three years.

Once again, I hope this issue wets your reading appetite. On behalf of the Dazzle Magazine Team, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!