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How to Keep Fit While Travelling

How to Keep Fit While Travelling


Traveling for business has become a way of life for many business people. A number of companies in the Caribbean have offices in several islands. Hopping on a plane to go attend a meeting or to set up a new branch office in another island has become the norm for many.

Unfortunately, in the process their health and fitness often get neglected. The most common excuse I hear is, ‘I have no time’ or ‘there is nowhere to work out.’

If you are one of those who travel regularly for business, getting back into a regular exercise pattern after being away for a while can be difficult. Consistency is key if you want to maintain a good exercise regimen. This can be done anywhere, at any time. Here are some tips to help you keep fit while in transit.

howtokeepfit3Use a Skipping Rope

The skipping rope is an amazing tool for keeping fit. It can be used almost anywhere. It is light, easy to pack and easy to carry while travelling. Skipping is a great cardiovascular exercise. It strengthens your heart, legs, butt, shoulders and arms. You can actually burn more than 10 calories a minute while skipping. Two 10-minute sessions can help you burn off a whopping 200 calories, resulting in major weight loss

Try a Mat

You’re probably thinking ‘how can a mat be a useful exercise tool?’ Like the skipping rope, you can use a mat to work out virtually anywhere and on any surface. Most exercises to strengthen your core are done on the floor. A mat helps you cushion the impact. It’s also good for stretching.

howtokeepfit2Resistance Bands for Toning

Resistance bands are lightweight and portable and you can use them to work every part of your body, and do so without any help. They are extremely effective at toning your muscles and can help boost your stamina, flexibility and range of motion.

Stay Positive

Your attitude towards exercising is even more important than the equipment you use. There is a direct link between motivation and improving your health and fitness. Having a positive attitude can provide a strong incentive to exercise, and make you a happier person. You are familiar with your body, how it works, how it feels and most importantly, you know your limits.

There are hundreds of exercises you can do in a small space, such as a hotel room, that require no equipment.

So not working out because you’re ‘away on business’ is not an acceptable excuse. For example, you can try 10 minutes of skipping, followed by some squats, pushups, burpees, leg presses, bicep curls, a low row (using the resistance bands) and finish it off with some core work and a stretch. Combine all of these exercises and you essentially have a full body workout using next to no equipment.

Restarting in the gym after extensive traveling is tough. Make it easier by keeping active while on the go. Continue exercising and become a living example of the fit and healthy Travelling Executive.