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11 Ways to Make Your Staff and Customers Feel Valued at Christmas!

11 Ways to Make Your Staff and Customers Feel Valued at Christmas!


It’s the festive time of year when everyone seems to be in good spirits (no pun intended).  You have had a good year, made new clients and built some healthy business relationships. This is the time of year that seems appropriate to say thank you.  Thank you to your customers/clients and to your hard working staff.  Here are two thank you tips: 

Send a Business Christmas Card

Really? Should you? YES! Not only is this traditional, it is a good way to let your stakeholders know you care and value the relationship that exists between you and them.  Also, since you want to maintain this relationship, choosing the right business card is important.  Here are some card ideas:

  • Send a Christmas card of a high quality. Quality shows and reflects on the sender.  If you send a cheap Christmas card it makes you look cheap.  So send the best Christmas card you can afford.
  • Your business Christmas card should be tasteful. You may think a naked Santa hilarious but this is not the time to find out if your client/customer has a sense of humour.  Stick to traditional themes that create a good impression.
  • Not everyone celebrates Christmas, so take into consideration your client’s religious beliefs.  In this case play it safe and send a Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings message instead.
  • Personalise the message in the card.  For example, ‘Wishing you and your family all the best in the coming year, Marie.’
  • Placing your company stamp below your signature makes it easy to put your business information there. If you don’t have a stamp, print your business name or enclose a business card.
  • Handwrite the address of the recipient on the card’s envelope. Using computer-generated labels is tacky and makes your business Christmas card look like a mass mailing.
  • Business Christmas cards should be sent to the client’s business address unless you know the person socially. If you are sending a card to a person’s home address, you should include the spouse’s name in the address.
  • Send your card in time so that it arrives during the Christmas season. For cards being sent locally, 15th December is a convenient cut-off date.  International and regional cards should be mailed earlier.

Have a Party

Your staff need to feel appreciated as well. They are important to the success of your business.  How do you say thank you to them at Christmas? Many establishments have a party.  It has been observed though that many staff members do not attend. Your Christmas party may be conflicting with other social events that the staff view as more important.   Here are a few things to consider in order to improve the turnout at the Christmas party:

  • Get out of the night-time groove: We tend to think parties should be a night-time event.  It doesn’t have to be.  Your Christmas party could be a luncheon hosted at a nice hotel or restaurant.  Switching the time of day can make a difference.
  • Break the mold: Change what you traditionally did.  See your Christmas party as an event rather than just a get together.  Instead of the usual sit, drink, eat and dance affair, choose a theme or organize an activity fete.  For example, a beach bar-b-que or a football/cricket/sports party.  You can turn it into a family event as well.  Whatever the activity though, ensure that it is one everyone can take part in.
  • Mix up the guest list: Don’t let it be a party just for staff and their spouses. Invite other business associates and acquaintances, family and friends.  In this case there is the opportunity to meet new people and network, and there is less chance of people getting trapped into making small talk with individuals they see on a daily basis.