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8 Tips to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

8 Tips to Lose Weight and Keep it Off


Do Something You Love

The secret to enjoying exercise is actually no secret at all. As the saying goes – find something to do that you love and you will never feel like you’re exercising. If you love to be in the water, then try a water sport. If you love the outdoors, go for a hike. There is truly something out there for everyone. You just need to find out what your fitness passion is.

Eat at Least Two Fruits a Day

Not only are fruits incredibly good for you, taking two fruits to work a day will stop you from snacking

on other unhealthy calorie-packed items. When you begin to feel hungry just grab one of your fruits and munch away. Problem solved.

Have Vegetables with Lunch and Dinner

Having a balance of fruit and veggies in your diet is very important as they contain the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to keep healthy and disease free. They are also very low in calories, which is a no- brainer when it comes to trying to keep your weight under control.

Take a Walk with Your Significant Other

Social interaction is an important factor when it comes to working out, so bringing your partner along when you go walking won’t only make it more enjoyable, it will also help you stay connected and keep both of you healthy. This is also a great way to stay motivated and keep at it.

Develop S.M.A.R.T Goals

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timed. When you are setting your goal make sure you tick out all of these categories and there will be no stopping you. If your aim is to lose 20 pounds by the summer, start to break it down by determining how many pounds you need to lose weekly or monthly in order to keep you on track and motivated!
Water is often overlooked when it comes to weight loss. We generally tend to focus on the foods we eat but it’s important to note that the drinks we consume are often loaded with calories too. With every meal, make sure you have a glass of water to drink. It will help to reduce any added calories you may have gained from consuming juices or alcohol.

Drink More Water

Water is often overlooked when it comes to weight loss. We generally tend to focus on the foods we eat but it’s important to note that the drinks we consume are often loaded with calories too. With every meal, make sure you have a glass of water to drink. It will help to reduce any added calories you may have gained from consuming juices or alcohol

No Excuses

looseweight2Excuses are some of the main drawbacks for people trying to lose weight. Instead of coming up with reasons why you ‘can’t’ do it, focus on reasons why you can and should. There is nothing more important than your health, so making sure it is your number one priority should take precedence above everything else.

Stay Consistent

The benefits of working out will become apparent only if you are actually working out. Doing the 5K fun walks whenever they come around is not an adequate form of exercise. Aim for at least 30 minutes minimum for 3-5 days a week at a moderate to vigorous pace. Keep at it and watch the pounds fall off, and your energy levels soar.

Starting on a fitness journey can be hard work and quite daunting but pretty soon you will wonder how you ever lived without exercising when you realise how good being fit feels.

Become the face of fitness you’ve always wanted to be and follow these 8 simple steps to begin your weight-loss journey to better health.