This highly dramatic and intense series aired on Netflix back in 2017 and from inception, it has been a somewhat controversial series.
First, a trigger warning should be in effect before the start of the series. While it is a teenage drama, the entirety of it centers around sensitive topics such as suicide, rape and mental illness.
Hannah Baker is season one’s first victim, and from there the plot thickens. Hannah Baker commits suicide before the start of the series and season one shows us how she lived, the events that lead to her suicide and the persons who she thought were directly and indirectly responsible.
Even after her death, Hannah leaves behind hurt and panic as her thirteen tapes on why she committed suicide and naming the persons responsible cement the storyline for the season that follow. After the traumatic conclusion that leaves some hurt and others relieved, those left behind find themselves now struggling with the consequences of their actions.
This series packs a punch, for those struggling with mental illnesses or have been victims of sexual assault, and persons prone to suicidal thoughts. It’s a risky watch, and some others find it disturbing. It’s interesting to see the aftermath of one person’s heartbreaking decision impact the lives of so many.
If you’re watching, tread lightly. Thirteen Reasons Why is unapologetically scarring.