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Using Email Marketing Campaigns in your business

Using Email Marketing Campaigns in your business

In today’s world, email marketing is one of the most economical and effective ways to market your business. It is not difficult to use and can assist to improve your business’s customer service as by means of communicating with existing customers. This communication builds relationships between the business and its customers. Customers can be informed on any weekly or monthly specials that your business may have making the campaign interesting and relevant to their needs.
A good email campaigns can direct potential and existing customers to your website. This increases the business’s web traffic which can encourage individuals to purchase goods/services, direct them to your store/office or make contact via email/telephone call.

Here are some tips in running a successful email campaign:

  1. Gather the email address of your business’s target audience – you do not want to send unwanted emails (spam) to individuals who are not interested in your goods or services
  2. Use a very powerful subject line – this grabs user’s attention at a glance and will encourage them to open the email
  3. Always insert your business’s web address and email – this encourages users to click through the email to visit the business’s website for more information. There they can contact you with ease if necessary
  4. Write with enthusiasm – give the users a pleasurable and exciting reading experience. Readers should not be turned off by your email
  5. Send your email between Tuesday to Thursdays – individuals are more receptive between Tuesdays to Thursdays from 8am – 11am and 2:30pm -4pm.