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The Amazing Health Benefits of Carambola

The Amazing Health Benefits of Carambola


Carambola or as it’s popularly known in St. Lucia, star fruit, is a star-shaped, tropical fruit which is sweet and sour in flavour.  Carambola is native to the Malayan peninsula and cultivated in many parts of Southeast Asia, the Pacific islands and China.  How interesting that it has made its way to our Caribbean shores and is very popular on our island.

Low Calorie Content

Star fruit is one of the very low-calorie, exotic fruits. A 100g fruit provides only 31 calories, which is much lower than any other popular tropical fruits. Nonetheless, it has an impressive list of essential nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins required for well-being.

Cancer Fighting

The fruit along with its waxy peel provides a good amount of dietary fibre. Fibre helps prevent absorption of dietary LDL cholesterol in the gut. It also helps protect the mucous membrane of the colon from exposure to toxic substances by binding to cancer-causing chemicals.

carambola2A good Antioxidant

Star fruit contains copious quantities of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. 100 grams of fresh fruit provides 34.7 mg or 57% of daily-required levels of vitamin C. In general, consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps the human body develop resistance against infectious agents and counteracts harmful, pro-inflammatory effects of free radicals in the body.

Loads of Vitamins

In addition, the fruit is a good source of B-complex vitamins such as folates, riboflavin and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). Together, these vitamins serve as coenzymes (substances that work along with enzymes in accelerating the inter-conversion of chemical compounds) and they facilitate the metabolic processes of the body.