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11 Power Health Benefits of Sugarcane

11 Power Health Benefits of Sugarcane


When was the last time you drank a glass of sugarcane juice or munched on some sugarcane?

Sugarcane juice is obtained by crushing peeled sugarcane manually or in a mill. It is consumed as a beverage in many places, especially where sugarcane is commercially grown such   as

Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent and Latin America. It is served, often cold, and sometimes with other ingredients.

Sugarcane is an important member of the grass family. It contains sucrose and is filled with various other nutrients that aid in good health.

Here are some fantastic reasons to eat fresh or juiced sugarcane:

  • Drinking sugarcane juice instead of artificial and aerated drinks helps to improve the health of a person.
  • Sugarcane juice helps in treating the burning sensation sometimes felt while urinating, as well as prostatitis ( infection of the prostate), kidney stones, STD (sexually transmitted disease), and urinary tract infections.
  • Sugarcane juice reduces bad cholesterol levels and contains natural sugar. It helps in eliminating toxins from the body by cleansing and improves metabolism. This aids in gradual weight loss, especially if taken regularly with lime juice or coconut water.
  • The juice has also been found to be beneficial to pregnant women because it contains iron and folates, which enhance the hemoglobin level in pregnant women. They also help to protect the unborn baby from developing a variety of birth defects.
  • The antioxidant property of sugarcane juice makes the skin soft, fair, supple and healthy. It also helps in delaying the signs of aging.
  • Sugarcane contains natural sugar which has a low glycemic index that prevents a steep rise in blood glucose levels. It can be taken as a substitute for aerated drinks by diabetics. It doesn’t need any added sugar and is very beneficial for one’s health. Diabetics can thus enjoy it without worrying about soaring body-fluid sugar levels. However, people with Type-2 diabetes should consume it in moderation after consulting a doctor.
  • Sugarcane juice is a rich source of flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Flavonoids are known to provide anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antioxidant, antiviral and anti-allergic benefits to the body.
  • Sugarcane juice is the best remedy for sore throat, freezing and flu.
  • Studies show that sugarcane juice helps in preventing tooth decay and bad breath because of its high mineral content.
  • Sugarcane juice contains all the nutrients that are required for strong shiny nails. It naturally strengthens them and prevents them from becoming brittle and discolored.